Shickley Community Foundation
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. When was the Shickley Community Foundation organized and how is it operated?
The Shickley Community Foundation was organized in 1991 as a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation. The Foundation is operated by 12 volunteers who are known as the Fund Advisory Committee.
2. What are the Foundation's assets?
As of December 31, the Foundation assets were over $2,831, 826.83.
3. How are the Foundation’s finances organized?
The Shickley Community Foundation currently maintains 25 sub-accounts. These include seven for scholarships, six for religious purposes, two for school programs, one each for the fire department, library, parks, swimming pool, cemetery, veterans memorial, and a general Endowment Fund. Only the Endowment Fund earnings are used for community betterment projects. All Endowment Fund contributions are perpetual and are held in whole.
4. How many Endowment Fund grants has the Foundation awarded so far?
There have been over 447 Endowment Fund grants awarded which have totaled over $902,188.15. Some of the projects have included the Shickley welcome sign, the electronic billboard, ball field improvements, equipment for the fire department and library, Shickley history books, the historical marker on Hwy. 74, Fillmore County Hospital capital projects, plastic fence and play structure for the Westside Park, playground equipment at Shickley Public School and The Early Learning Facility, enhanced school curriculum, specialized school equipment, fireman/EMT training, tree planting, and many more!
5. How do I apply for a grant? Who can I ask about grant application questions?
The grant application form can be picked up at the Fority Group office or accessed online at www.shickleycommunityfoundation.org . Questions about grant eligibility can be directed at any of the grant committee members: Dan Miller (Chair), Jody Alfs, Loree Hendrickson, Richard Walter, Wade Walters.
6. What is the primary goal of the Fund Advisory Committee?
Increasing the size of the Endowment Fund is the primary goal for the Fund Advisory Committee, the Endowment Fund had a balance of only $21,000.00 as of December 31, 2001. As of December 31, 2023, the Endowment Fund had a balance of nearly $2,252,905.26.
7. What is the Homegrown Challenge Campaign?
The Fund Advisory Committee accepted the challenge proposed by the Nebraska Community Foundation. Gerald & Loydeen Stengel will match 33% of all contributions & pledges made to the Shickley Endowment Fund from 2024-2026 not to exceed $100,000. In order to maximize the challenge, $300,000 will need to be raised from donors. If $300,000 is raised, an anonymous donor will contribute another $50,000.
8. How much will be able to be granted out upon completion of the Homegrown Challenge?
We currently grant $99,000 annually. By completing the Homegrown Challenge, we will be able to fund additional grants of $20,250 for a total of $119,250 annually.
9. How was Shickley chosen to be included in the Homegrown Challenge Campaign?
As a result of our affiliation with the Nebraska Community Foundation, our performance has been monitored and scored. Due to our high level of performance, it was determined that Shickley was a natural fit for the Homegrown Challenge.
10. What are some other goals that the Fund Advisory Committee has set?
Questions about additional goals of the Homegrown Challenge can be directed at any of the members on the Foundation.
11. Have the Fund Advisory Committee members contributed to the Homegrown?
All of the Fund Advisory Committee members have made a financial commitment of $151,060 to this cause. Any size of donation is acceptable. A primary goal of this project is to solicit contributions from 100% of the Shickley Public School district patrons, since the entire community will be benefiting from future grants that are awarded. Keep the Shickley Community Foundation in mind with your future planning.